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Ongoing Projects

Medical Mission Trips

Since September 2013, every four months, a group of 15-20 volunteers travels to the Dominican Republic to provide medical assistance to residents of our Sister Parishes and to El Mamey. Over the course of a four-day trip, these hardworking missionaries travel to three separate locations and see a total of approximately 600 patients with a variety of medical needs and ailments. 

With the aid of generous partners in the medical industry, our medical missionaries are able to perform examinations, basic blood testing, and other diagnostics right in the field and, in most cases, provide patients with appropriate medications. This care and all medications are free of charge. More than 3,600 individual patients have been seen by the medical team over the course of the 50 trips to date.

Through the dedicated participation of medical students at UNIBE, clinic patients receive general health and hygiene education at the clinic site, making the waiting process both interesting and educational. Since 2015, all children seen by the medical team are offered a painted-on dental fluoride treatment providing significant protection for up to six months as well as dental care supplies. With the assistance of UNIBE and under the auspices of the Dominican Health Ministry, the Ministry has arranged for children to be offered vaccinations against childhood diseases.

There are an average of 8 medical and nonmedical missions per year, with 1.75 million doses of medication distributed to help those who are in most need.

Medical missionaries providing needed care

Constructing New Housing in El Mamey

The Ministry's Construction Team, in concert with local community leadership, is in the process of constructing very modest and simple new homes i El Mamey for those in most need. Recipients of these new homes are selected by lottery overseen by the entire community and are based upon a census of all housing needs in the batey. Missionaries assist with siding, window installation, painting, and other portions of the construction process, while foundations and masonry work is performed by local tradesmen. To date, more than 40 homes have been built. 

Construction projects underway

Repairs to Existing Housing in El Mamey

Each Mission trip includes some time for simple repairs and painting to existing homes in El Mamey. Assisted by local residents, missionaries go out into the community to assist with repairing damaged boards and window levers, painting, and additions of steps and other simple repairs to homes in the Batey. 

Helping hands
Beautiful home built

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